JBR Consultants
JBR is an independent consultancy firm for decision-makers in listed companies, family businesses, investors and banks in the Netherlands and abroad. It focuses on six sectors in which the company is very well-versed, making JBR an excellent conversational partner that translates sharp analyses into daily practice via a realistic, energetic and hands-on approach. JBR supports companies in safeguarding their continuity, (re)finding growth or surviving turbulent periods.

Request for Sorpasso
We were asked to develop a brand and communication strategy that allows JBR to clearly distinguish itself from the larger consultancy firms, with a clear focus on the six sectors in which it has absolute expertise. Creating the corporate identity would automatically generate a premium reputation.
The strategy
After interviews with clients and consultants, Sorpasso developed a strategy based on tackling the issues and dilemmas that companies encounter today. What should we pay for a takeover? Is it best to order vessels in China or Taiwan? Should we finance our growth with our own or outside equity? In which sector should we invest or reduce our investments?
In short, we use scenarios to show that JBR has a wealth of in-house knowledge for the six sectors and in-depth knowledge of the client’s world. This promise is reflected in the website, sector videos and other tools. The videos are presented to the target group via a sophisticated online marketing programme.